Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Week one in the books

So I survived the first week of my "lifestyle change". I don't want to say the "d" word. Heheehe

I went to the weight watchers meeting today and I found out that I'm down 1.4 pounds. That's a great start.

I have to admit that I was a little upset and thought the amount was too low. I described it as the "Biggest Loser" syndrome where you're happy that you lost weight but you're upset that it wasn't more. They always say that on the show.

I'm glad I stayed for the WW meeting because it was all about positive thinking. That is just what I needed to hear. I needed to be reminded to think positively. Don't focus on the negative and to celebrate the little things. So I'm happy about my 1.4 now.

So in week one I stuck to the eating plan just fine. Danny and I even went to Olive Garden with some friends and were able to resist some of our favorite Italian dishes and stick to the healthier options. I only had one breadstick. When you look at my daily points total...36...and then think about eating multiple 3 point breaksticks that just doesn't leave many points for the rest of the day. So I could've eaten them and then not eaten much the rest of the day or just have one, savor it, and then be able to eat more later in the day. With WW it's all about choices. You aren't depriving yourself of anything just the choices you make disctate the rest of your day, so choose how you want to eat your way through the day.

The big improvement I need to make for week two is exercise. I've been avoiding it. I know I have to do it and I can't wait for the day that I don't dread working out. :)