Thursday, February 26, 2009

My new do!

I can't remember the last time I got my haircut. My usual pattern is to cut my hair off and then let it grow out really long and then chop it off again. So I had been growing my hair out for a long time and didn't want to cut it because of needing longer hair for a wedding updo. Well now that the wedding is over I got the idea to chop my hair off.

So earlier this week I made the appointment and tonight I took the plunge. I also got the thought that I could donate my hair to Locks of Love and I found out you need 10 inches to donate. I had a friend at work measure my hair and I could only donate about 7/8 inches. That was a bummer but I was still excited to cut my hair.

I wasn't exactly sure how much I'd cut off until I got into the chair at the salon and we looked at pictures. I told her to go shorter because I didn't want to get home and it not be short enough. Caitlin, the stylist, was super excited and said that it would be a great cut whether I wore it curly or straight. When she turned me around and I saw it dried straight and super short, I loved it. So here is the before and after for your viewing pleasure.

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