Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Time for change

So today I'm turning over a new leaf. I'm starting a lifestyle of healthy living. What does that mean...I'm going to Weight Watchers. Hopefully this will help me turn things around and lead a happier life.

I've tried WW before and I was successful while sticking to the program. Once I thought that I could do it on my own that is when all the weight I had lost came right back and with more. I can't do it on my own. I need a program to follow and I think WW is the best choice for me.

So today at 12:15 I have to get on their little scale and let them tell me how much I weigh. I'm dreading this part. But from today on...that # will only be getting smaller. :)

Loosing weight is not fun but it is what I have to do. I might hate not being able to eat yummy bad-for-me food and I might hate exercise and working up a sweat but I will love the results.
And for my own motivation a list of reasons why this is what I need to be doing.

- Obviously health reasons but that isn't really motivating for me.
- One day I want to have children and I can't do it safely at this weight.
- I'm tired of not fitting in airplane seats and having to use a seat belt extender.
- I'm tired of being uncomfortable sitting in stadium seats to watch sporting events.
- I'm tired of getting winded by one flight of stairs.
- I'm tired of the excuses I make for myself.

I'm sure I could come up with more but that's all I got for now. Wish me luck.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Seriously? I'm not eating here anymore.

A favorite restaurant of mine used to be Crispers. I was in love with their Oriental Chicken salad. It was to die for. It was a huge bed of lettuce topped with chicken, candied walnuts, pineapple, crispy noodle things. You ate it with a scrumptious honey lime dressing. This is only one of three things I would eat at Crispers. The other two are the broccoli cheese soup or the steak and blue cheese flatbread. By far the salad was my favorite.

On Saturday after shopping, Tina and I went to lunch. I chose Crispers. She grabbed a menu when she walked in and I didn't need to look at a menu because I always order the same thing. I have it memorized. I get up to the counter and state my order only to hear back, "we don't have that salad anymore." Excuse me...what did you just say? You don't have my favorite salad anymore?

I seriously told the lady I don't think I can eat here anymore. She tried to suggest some other "really" great salads and I wasn't having it. I didn't even listen. I ordered my fall back meal of soup and flatbread and wasn't very happy.

She then mentions that they are out of crackers and if we really wanted something to put in our soup we could BUY some of their bread. When half of your menu consists of soup and salad, how can you run out of crackers? That was strike two.

Then it was time to get a drink. I won't bring up the fact that they switched to plastic cups instead of paper, which could be taken home with refills. I have already gotten over that point. After getting my plastic cup I turn the corner to see that the soda machine is now Pepsi. I can drink diet Pepsi but I prefer coke. Strike three.

I will not eat at this dining establishment for a very long time. I just can't forgive them for getting rid of my favorite salad in the world, without evening telling me.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Finally. Finalllly

They finally criticized the awful sounding Scott on American Idol. I can't believe he's made it this far. They finally heard what I've been hearing all along. Screeching.

But Paula just said bravo. Ughhh.

You don't have to be nice just because he is blind. He can take it.

Thankfully Simon agrees with me. We'll see what happens tomorrow night. I really hope he goes.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Why is it so frustrating?

Ever since I got the photo cd for my wedding photos I couldn't wait to get the pictures picked out for my album. I quickly made a favorites folder and put all my favorite photos in there.

The tough and frustrating thing is that I can only pick 80-90 photos for the album. I've weeded out a lot of photos and I have 127 still in the folder. I just keep looking through them and looking through them and I don't want to delete any more. I want all of these.

How do I widdle them down even more? I don't think I can. What's a girl to do?

I thought I could possible create a second album online but then leftover photos wouldn't make a very exciting album and why have two albums with basically the same photos in it.

I just don't know what to do. I have 40 pictures to delete. :( This could take forever.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Picking new recipes

First off. Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Nothing exciting has happened.

Today I guess I'll share the recipe that I cooked last night for Buffalo Chicken Lasagna. It was very good and Danny really liked it. After his first bite he said, "This one is a keeper." That made me feel good. And after I post this recipe, I get to go through all of my recipes and pick out 8 to 10 for the next two week's dinners.

Buffalo Chicken Lasagna

12 Whole Wheat Lasagna Noodles, uncooked
1 lb. Skinless Chicken Breast, cubed
3 Cups Hunt’s Four Cheese Spaghetti Sauce
1 Cup Very Mild Buffalo Wing Sauce
1 1/2 Cups Water
15 oz. Nonfat Ricotta Cheese
1/2 Cup Egg Substitute
9 Slices 2% Pepperjack Cheese

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Cook chicken over medium high heat for 4 minutes or until almost done. Stir in sauces and water. In a small bowl, combine ricotta cheese and egg substitute. Spray a 9X13 pan with nonstick cooking spray. Spread 1 Cup of sauce in the bottom of pan. Arrange 4 noodles over the sauce. Spread more sauce, then a layer of ricotta mixture. Add another layer of sauce, and repeat the whole process until you end with a layer of sauce. Cover and bake 70 minutes. Uncover and place cheese slices on top, then bake for another 15 minutes uncovered. Let stand 10-15 minutes before serving.