Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Time for change

So today I'm turning over a new leaf. I'm starting a lifestyle of healthy living. What does that mean...I'm going to Weight Watchers. Hopefully this will help me turn things around and lead a happier life.

I've tried WW before and I was successful while sticking to the program. Once I thought that I could do it on my own that is when all the weight I had lost came right back and with more. I can't do it on my own. I need a program to follow and I think WW is the best choice for me.

So today at 12:15 I have to get on their little scale and let them tell me how much I weigh. I'm dreading this part. But from today on...that # will only be getting smaller. :)

Loosing weight is not fun but it is what I have to do. I might hate not being able to eat yummy bad-for-me food and I might hate exercise and working up a sweat but I will love the results.
And for my own motivation a list of reasons why this is what I need to be doing.

- Obviously health reasons but that isn't really motivating for me.
- One day I want to have children and I can't do it safely at this weight.
- I'm tired of not fitting in airplane seats and having to use a seat belt extender.
- I'm tired of being uncomfortable sitting in stadium seats to watch sporting events.
- I'm tired of getting winded by one flight of stairs.
- I'm tired of the excuses I make for myself.

I'm sure I could come up with more but that's all I got for now. Wish me luck.

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