Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Eventful drive to work

Most days my drive to work is pretty boring. I keep myself entertained with the Bob & Sheri show on the radio. They always have crazy people calling in with entertaining stories. Today I had a few eventful things take place. I was about 15 miles into the drive and I see a cop car at the top of this hill and he is taking up the right lane. I get over into the middle lane and then as I get closer I see that the cop is actually out of his car and standing in the right lane. He's waving everyone over to the far left lane. That looked a little dangerous.

As I came over the hill there were all these cop cars and a firetruck and a big cloud of smoke. A car was on fire. We all slowed down to look (I also took a picture) and you could see that the tailgate of the truck still had flames coming out of it. Scary.

Thankfully for us there isn't a lot of traffic going this way so there wasn't a back up to sit in. We just drove by slowly and then were on our merry way again.

Not too long after that I saw a turkey on the side of the road. Wildlife along I-95 always amazes me.

I knew that I had to go to the post office before heading to work and about 20 minutes from work I realize that I was a little early for the post office since it doesn't open until 8:30. I came up with the grand idea of going to Starbucks first. I couldn't remember the last time I got Starbucks so this kept me happy until my drive was over.

I got my venti caramel frappuccino and shipped off my package and then off to work I went. What a great way to start the day. Not so great for the person whose truck went up in flames.

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