Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ugly T-Shirt Bowling

Danny and I finally hung out with Laura and Travis and we tagged along with them to Ugly T-Shirt Bowling. It was just regular bowling except you had to come dressed in an ugly t-shirt. I dug through my drawer that afternoon and found Danny and I two shirts to wear. His was this lime green shirt from the restaurant Snooty Pig. My shirt just happened to be my vision, mission, values work shirt.

We all met up at Beach Bowl in Jax. Some of the t-shirts were hilarious. This one guy cut his shirt off to show his belly. It was a site to see. They even made up ballot sheets so we could vote on the ugliest, funniest, and most unique t-shirt. The awards ceremony was hilarious.

Now lets get down to the bowling. I usually start off good and get worse as the night goes on. This time it was the opposite. I started out with a first game of 80 something and came in second to last. My second game was much better. I scored a 99. I almost hit 100 which was my goal.

Before the final game we all started making bets. Laura and Travis bet Danny and I that they would do better than us. The losers would buy lunch for the other group. Turns out Danny had his worst game of the night and I had my best game (scored 100) and we lost. Travis and Laura were on fire. So we owe them lunch. That's's a good excuse to get together again.

Danny doing a turkey dance after getting 3 strikes in the 10th frame of game 2. Why couldn't he have bowled like this when it counted.

I almost scored 100. If I wouldn't have had a double gutter in the last frame it would have been great.

Woohoo for scoring 100. Booo for loosing to Travis and Laura (otherwise known as Debbie and Mr. Awesome).

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