Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Very exciting two days

I can't believe I didn't blog yesterday about the exciting news I received. Then today I got another surprise at work so now I must blog about them both.

Most of you probably know that I traveled to 10 tournaments last year and had been planning on doing the same again this year. Well with the "state of the economy" my travel budget was slashed to mere pennies. That meant no traveling for me except for The Solheim Cup in Chicago because that tournament was covering my travel costs.

My coworker Donna knew that I wasn't traveling and had been keeping her eye out for any free travel that might arise. Well it just so happens there was one extra ticket to the RICOH Women's British Open and she threw my name out there as the lucky ticket recipient and it was approved.

I can't tell you how excited I was. I have been to the Women's British Open the past two years and I couldn't imagine missing it. I always take a little European side trip once I'm over there. So this was the best news of the day. The past two years I've taken my side trip to Scotland. I think this year I'm heading to Dublin, Ireland. The only part that stinks is I'll be alone going to Ireland but I'm sure I can find some Irish pubs to entertain me.

Today's surprise was a new blackberry. I can't tell you how old mine was. It was a model that people didn't even recognize. I called it a dinosaur. The screen was black and white and had no camera like the color versions everyone else had. I also couldn't use cool applications like facebook and twitter on it.

Now I have the new BlackBerry Curve and it is beautiful. It has color and I can use facebook and twitter from it. The trackball will take some getting use to but it is worth it in the end.

I'm going home a happy woman today!

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