Thursday, March 26, 2009

Time for Spring Cleaning

For the past month or so I kept looking in my closet and thinking, "I really need to clean this thing out." We had clothes jammed in there and I knew I didn't even wear half of it.

So on Sunday it was time to start spring cleaning. I went through my sweaters first. I picked out what I wouldn't wear again and then picked out the heavier ones that I wouldn't wear again next year. That cleaned out two shelves. Then it was on to my pants. Most pants went into the donate pile. I then had one shelf dedicated to sweaters and one to pants. Danny now gets an extra shelf.

Next it was time to go through my hanging shirts. I had the entire left side all to myself. I started in the back. If it didn't fit anymore it was getting donated and if I didn't remember the last time I wore something it was getting donated. So I was able to get rid of a million things. The stack was getting quite high.

I didn't throw much of Danny's stuff out. He doesn't really have a lot of clothes. So this pile below is mostly my stuff that is getting donated. Four bags full ready for Goodwill.

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