Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Deer graze along I-95?

I meant to write this blog last night but I never got around to it. So just pretend it is Monday night.

So you all know that I drive around an hour to work and an hour home each day. The drive can get long and boring at times so it doesn't take much to keep me entertained. We'll this winter I started noticing deer grazing right alongside I-95 and they would always be in the same general area. This not only fascinated me, it also terrified me. I mean why would deer choose this spot to feed and how are they not scared about the millions of cars zooming past. It terrified me to think that one night a deer could jump out into my lane. That would be a disaster, as my car is usually going 80, so that would be quite the impact.

So each night as I'd get closer to exit 294 I would start keeping an eye out for the deer. It was usually hard to spot them because it was dark by this time of my drive. Well one day a couple of weeks ago I stayed in Daytona after work to have Happy Hour with some ladies and so I was driving back home around 8:30 p.m. and that night I saw at least 10 deer that night. I couldn't believe it. Some were even frolicing down the highway along a fence. This is not something you usually see out in the open like that.

Well last night I was a little bored on the drive and started thinking about the deer. I also thought this would make a great blog story and what would go better than a picture. So I got my camera out of my purse and had it ready so I could get a picture of these deer to prove my point of how close they feed to the highway. I'm starting to near the area and I see three objects up ahead. I'm in the middle lane and there is a car in the right hand lane. So I slow down so that the other car doesn't block my view and I try and take a picture but I was too slow hitting the button and all I got was a blurry picture. As you can see it doesn't take much to entertain me.

On the rest of my drive home all I thought about was how I would try harder tomorrow to get that picture of the deer. It probably isn't the safest thing to do while driving on I-95 but it sure does brighten up my drive. So maybe tonight when I'm driving home I'll get the picture of my deer. Hopefully they'll be out. It is starting to get lighter out around that time so I would think the deer would start eating later but I guess not.

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