Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Wii age :(

So tonight after a few glasses of wine for me and a few cocktails for Danny, we started playing the Wii. We now have two nunchucks so we can battle each other in boxing. I knew this would be a tough match because we're both good at boxing. It was very close but I knocked him out in the end. Thank goodness I won because he beat me in every other sport we played. Tennis and bowling. He not only beat me at these...he creamed me. GRRR

So after the beating, I told him he should do the exercise to find out his Wii age. It uses a few games to test your balance, stamina, and skill and then gives you an age. I had heard of other people's ages and was expecting the worst. Danny didn't do so well at tennis, was good at baseball and great at bowling. His Wii age was 44. I thought wow...maybe mine won't be so bad.

Next it was my time. I had baseball first and didn't do so hot. Out of 10 tries I had 2 home runs, lots of balls not go long enough and some foul balls. Then it was Tennis. I think I did pretty good. Most went where they should. Then it was time for bowling. I didn't do so hot. After a few calculating seconds...there it was. My Wii age of 69. AHHHHH.

This is not my Mii but this is what my face looked like when receiving the news. I tried to do it again but I guess you can only try once a day. It is now my goal to lower my Wii age.

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